Hey 180 Family! My name is EMAN. I am a musician in LA who makes a living playing drums and occasionally singing (more on that later). When Jake first approached me about writing for 180, I wasn't sure how to go about it mostly because I never write. However, during a series of flights, the right topic popped into my head. I am fascinated with the saying, “You Never Know”. So what do I mean by that? Hopefully in the next couple of stories I can draw a timeline of two completely unforeseen events that happened in my life, leading to my current place in my career.
Are you a member in a band? Have you ever done session work? What happens if your band breaks up, stops touring or needing a drummer? What if the band takes an indefinite hiatus, or even a temporary once? When the cash stops coming in and the river runs dry, do you find yourself with a skill that can't be applied to much other than the one band you've spent your time practicing with,? Or do you have the chops, versatility and relationships to go out and land other gigs?
This is exactly where Chris Hornbrook (Senses Fail, Poison the Well + more) found himself when his band needed to take some time off, but he didn't. With an itch to play and a desire to expand on his chops (while paying rent) Chris landed a gig with Senses Fail, filling in for various other acts behind the kit along the way and keeping him occupied when his primary project isn't out playing shows or making any dough.
We had to bold that because I know so many of you are interested. But I also wanted to teach you a lesson (This is Jake speaking)... I ask Emily the endorsement question near the very end of the Podcast because that's the way it should be. What we're getting at is that many things should come before a Cymbal deal. This means forming a relationship with reps at company's, then, over time, demonstrating how you add value to the company and doing so in a humble and confident manor. There's no rush, and rushing will most certainly delay the process.
Being a good enough drummer is often undeserving of an endorsement deal. Now you may think drummers in specific bands aren't good but....
Read more at https://180drums.com/EmilyR